New Client Payment Panel



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There are 4 main sections in the Client Panel – Overview, Billing & Payments, Usage History, and Account Settings. Let’s take a closer look at each of them.



  • Dashboard – displays an overview of a real-time user’s balance, last 30 days of executed charges, and active Subscriptions.
  • Rates – shows all rates and allows one to easily sort and search them by services.

Billing and Payments

  • Refill Balance – allows replenishing client’s balance
  • Payment History – displays a full history of conducted payments.
  • Charges History – display a full history of conducted charges.
  • Invoices – shows all invoices that belong to the user with a possibility to download them.

Usage History

  • Summary – grants the user a possibility to view the summary report on the executed events, allowing to easily filter data by period, service, account or package.
  • Detailed – shows detailed statistics about all client’s calls, performed within a specified period of time.

Account Settings

  • Profile Settings – allows the user to update the profile settings, including company name, billing email, address, registration, and tax IDs.
  • Change Password – allows the user to change his password to the Client Panel.



Version 01.08292024
Last Updated on August 29, 2024