Changing Ringtones for Specific Callers

This feature enables users to have a custom ringtone set for their desk phone. Custom ringtones can be set in the following manner:

Using the Call Filters & Blocking option under Services in the Self-Care Portal.

To setup Custom Ringtones on DID’s, please see Custom Ringtones for DID’s.

Call Filters & Blocking

If you want to set a custom ring tone, login to your Self-Care Portal.

  1. Click on the Services tab.
  2. Enable the Call Filters & Blocking feature by selecting the check mark
  3. Click Save. 

Click the edit button Anonymous calls

  1. Under the Destination Type choose Ringtone.
  2. In the Destination field, enter what ring tone you want.
  3. Click Save

Other Calls

  1.  Click the + symbol to add a new record
  2. Under Caller Number enter the Value for the number(s) you would like to change the ring tone for.
  3. Under the Destination Type choose Ringtone.
  4. In the Destination field enter the ringtone.

NOTE: The ring tone format is based on the telephone you have.



Enter <Bellcore-drX> in the Destination field, where X is the number of ringtones.


Enter the name of the ringtone, Simple-5 or Classic-2, for example.

Ringtone names can be checked on LINKSYS phone under Settings -> Ringtone menu.


To set a custom ringtone on a POLYCOM telephone, you need to edit the sip.cfg and ipmid.cfg files. In ipmid.cfg file look for the line with these variables:

<alertInfo voIpProt.SIP.alertinfo.1.value="Sales" voIpProt.SIP.alertInfo.1.class="8"/>

With ‘class’ you choose which ring class you want to use when you set ‘value’ as SIP header. In this case, sending a SIP header with the value ‘Sales’ will cause the telephone to use the ringtone that is set in class 8 in ipmid.cfg file. In ipmid.cfg, class 8 line looks like this:

<SALES"Sales" se.rt.8.type="ring" se.rt.8.ringer="3" se.rt.8.callWait="6" se.rt.8.mod="0"/>

In this case, the telephone will use ringtone number 3. Signs like empty spaces or the ” sign can be used in ring tone names if they are used with a backslash in front.

Most phones do not support custom ring tones.


Yealink phones require settings in UX and device as well. The phones settings can be updated on UX, through a UAD auto provisioning template, or manually through the phones web interface.

In your phones web interface, you have to navigate to the Account tab select Advanced and scroll down to Distinctive Ring Tones and change to Enabled.

From the Settings tab select Ring and add a value to the “Internal Ringer Text” you would like to use; for example ‘Ring4’. Select the “Internal Ringer File” file from the list that you would like the phone to play when UX send this string to your phone, for example ‘Ring4.wav’.

On your DID or Ring Group you will have to edit Custom Ringtone: field and enter some value, for example, “Ring4” (without quotes). String entered in the device and the string entered in Custom Ringtone field must match.

UAD Auto Provisioning – User Agent Auto General Provisioning Template:

account.1.alert\_info\_url\_enable = 1

(Enables “Distinctive Ring Tones” in the Account -> Advanced section)

distinctive\_ring\_tones.alert\_info.1.text = Ring4

(Sets the “Internal Ringer Text” value found in Setting -> Ring)

distinctive\_ring_tones.alert_info.1.ringer = 4





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