Caller ID Displaying Name Incorrectly

If your Caller ID is not displaying correctly to a person you are calling, there may be a few reasons why.

Ensure that you have requested a caller ID and that it was successfully entered into the National Registry. You can do this by contacting support. For more information on adding a Caller ID name, plese see Changing your Caller ID Name.

The person you are calling may not have Caller ID Services on their telephone. We find this most commonly with mobile telephone providers like T-Mobile, Verizon, etc. Caller ID is not a free service with many mobile providers. Users commonly only see a Caller ID name when the number is programmed into their Contact list.

You are calling using a Toll-Free number. Toll free numbers do not display the Caller ID Name.

The receivers telephone provider may have not pulled the updated information after a recent change. Providers update on a regular schedule that may include, daily, weekly or monthly.



