Communicator – Call Quality Feature 6.7.1 & Above
Call Quality Metrics provide the user with details about the call and network quality during
a call.
These details include information like:
- MOS Score
- Round Trip Time
- Packet Loss
- Jitter
In a word, it helps with troubleshooting potential network issues during a call. During a call, a Call Quality indicator will appear in the upper right corner of the call window, giving rough information about the call and network quality. The Call Quality window will appear by clicking on it, providing more detailed information about MOS Score, Round Trip Time, Packet Loss, and Jitter.
To export this information, click on the Open call quality diagnostic logs. By default, this option is disabled, and to enable it, please navigate to Preferences -> Phone -> Advanced and check the Enable call quality metrics logging.
After enabling it, under the Call Quality tab within the Diagnostic Logs, the user will be presented with the Call Quality information for the last 50 calls. To export the Call Quality information, the user needs first to select the call from the drop-down menu for which they want to create a report and click on the Export call quality report button.
Version 01.01192023