Searching CDR (Customer Detail Records)

CDR Records display detailed records of all calls on the system. These records can be searched based on the following details:

Note: Using % before the number will catch all calls including internationally formatted calls +1NPA-NXX-XXXX calls and nationally formatted calls 1-NPA-NXX-XXXX

  • Date Range: Pop up calendar used to set the To and From, time and date, you will be searching through.
  •  From: Numeric field used to find where the call came from.
    • Example: Using the search, %2135551212, in the from field, will result in the system finding the call if it was formatted with the international format +1, or the national format, 1.
  • To: Numeric field used to find who the call was made To:
  • Status: You can further filter your search based on the status of the call by selecting 1 of the 4 call statuses.
    • Answered
    • Not Answered
    • Busy
    • Error
  • ID#: The Identification number of the call.
  • ID%: Anything with the identifier of the call in it.

When using the Search tool, the % symbol is used as the wild card character.

You can toggle between the call ID# and call ID% by clicking on the blue symbol to the right of ID, # or %.

Performing CDR Searches

To perform the searches described in this section you must be a member of the administration group. Standard users have the ability to do basic CDR searches on their personal calls through the Self-Care Portal.

In this example we are looking for a call that came in from 156275xxxxx that came in between the hours of 09:00-11:00.

  1. Log into the Administration portal via
  2. Once logged in select Reports then CDR.
  3. Click inside the Date Range field to pop out the To and From Calander.
  4. Enter the start and end date for the calls you are searching for.
  5. Select both the To and From times you would like to search through.
  6. Click Search
  7. Enter the telephone number the call was from in the From field then press enter to refine the search.
  8. During further investigation it appears as if the call closer to 13::00 or 1:00pm. We find the call that matches the time frame and click on the line showing the from number to the destination or To number.
  9. Notice the ID number of the call is populated.
  10. Click the Search icon to filter by the ID number.
  11. The call will be filtered down to 2 parts of the call
    1. The first part of the call is the calling number, (From Field) to the number that was called. In this case a DID on your system.
    2. The second part of the call shows the calling number and the second step of the call which was the call being answered by a dial group.
  12. Select the call showing the from telephone number and the call group.
  13. Move your mouse to the ID# field and click on the # symbol. Notice it will turn into a % symbol and the field now ready ID%.
  14. Click the Search icon,
  15. The call will be filtered once more however this time will show all records where the ID# appears in any of the records. From here we can trace how the call was finally answered.